Dear RG friends,
seedlist 2024/25 is available on request since November 7 (
Tian Shan Book
ISBN 978-80-270-3617-2

The book on Tian Shan is a „second volume“ after the Caucasus
This book is devoted to the plants of Tian Shan and the ecological conditions in which they grow. There are descriptions of 621 plant species, over 900 pictures and a glossary of used botanical terms. Format A4, hardcover, 404 pp.
It is focused to:
plant and mountain lovers, plant growers, Rock Gardeners, professional and amateur botanists, conservationists and lovers of wild nature, and those who admire photographs of wild beauty.
History of botanical research
Geology, Climate,
Description of species, according to the botanical system of ‘Flora of China’
glossary of used botanical terms
The Main chapter - Description of species
Description of 621 species
With botanical synonyms
Habitat and distribution
Note on Cultivation
The descriptions provide important characteristics for quick identification of the plants. The information regarding Habitat and Distribution ensure additional useful data for users, while the Cultivation notes give basic information for growers.
General info:
nearly 900 colour pictures of authors and other suppliers will be shown
The book has 408 pages
Hardcover, A4 size, weight 2,2 kg
Index of botanical names
The book may serve travelers in plant determination and growers in selecting of desired plant species.
The book was published by the authors, in September 2018.
The price is 45 EUR + one book economic postage 24 EUR, Total 69 EUR. Bulk orders are cheaper.
Orders are accepted by author:
Payment by PayPal (
or IBAN: CZ28 2010 0000 0021 0130 7481, BIC: FIOBCZPPXXX.
Welcome to the photogallery of my travels.
You can see pictures of plants and country - landscapes and plant environment. Plants are shown in community, in details and variations.
There are mainly pictures from NW China and Tibet, Central Asia, Pamir, Far East and S America.
Central Asia: Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Xinjiang province, pictures refer to the mountains: Pamir, Pamiro-Alai (Ridges: Hissar, Zeravshan, Turkestan, Darvas, Peter1st. Ala Tau), Tian Shan (Trans Illy, Kungei, Terskey, Kyrgyz, Ketmen and Kunlun including its transition to Karakoram. The climate is very continental and dry, because the mountais surround large Tarim basin/deserts, especially Kunlun and Ketmen. The flora of E Tian Shan and especially Kunlun is less rich in species number, but it comprise many unusual endemics and area restricted spp, many of them are not in cultivation. Flora of Pamir and Pamiro-Alai is very rich with many endemic species apart the fact it is very arid region.
NW China - Sechuan, Yunnan. Monsoon climate varies from very wet rainfall catchment in Balang Shan, Yulong Shan, Zheduo Shan to drier toward Tibetan border in the west - Yidun, Haizi Shan, Chola Shan, Baimashan, Da Xue Shan. There is tremendous botanical richness.
Tibet /Xizang Province. Pictures are presented from SE part, between Lhasa and Rawu and from the base camp of Mt, Everest.. While Lhasa region and westwards to Everest is quite dry and continental, the area of Bome/Pomi and Galung La get a lot of rainfall along Brahmaputra River valley. The Rawu area is a bit drier than NW Yunnan, hidden behind mountain ridge of Hengduan Shan from prevailing monsoon from SE.
The Far East - Sakhalin and Kamchatka. The Far East climate is affected by high rainfall from Pacific ocean. The snow cover is often mohe than 2 m. Low temperatures -30 to -40°C do not affect plants under such snow cover. Lowland is often covered with tall-forb vegetation with ways made by bears hunting salmons. Slopes are coverd by bamboo in the south or forests (Larix spp., Abies sachalinensis and mixed). Large bogs with Ledums and Chamaedaphne calyculata are common along the whole island. Low-herb flora is rather on rocky ground. Kamchatka climate is colder, forest ends inthe middle of peninsula and is replaced with arctic tundra. The flora has a mixture of Siberian, far East and American species. The floristic composition Sachalin is between Kamchatka and Japan.